Building a tradition of musical excellence

REMINDER: Band Individual Pictures, Wednesday, August 30

Lifetouch will be used for pictures. They took the full band pictures and the senior pics for the Football game program in summer uniforms prior to the new Band uniforms arriving.

Since we did not have the uniforms yet, the individual pictures were not taken. Lifetouch will be at the school on Wednesday, August 30, 2017, from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. (prior to rehearsal). If you still have your order forms from Lifetouch, please send them with your student.

If you don’t have your order form but want to order pictures, I confirmed with Lifetouch that the Picture Day ID will remain the same and we can order using that number. The Picture Day ID is WP317703X0.

Also, if you don’t order and change your mind and want to order after Picture Day, you can use the same ID number.

Mary Lynn Jackowicz
on behalf of
North Olmsted Band & Orchestra Boosters