Uncategorized Save-Around Coupon Book Deadline by Mr. Furin|Published September 25, 2018 All order forms, and payments, for the Save-Around Coupon Books must be turned in by tomorrow, Wednesday, September 26.
Published June 12, 2019 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: North Olmsted Boom NOBOB is fortunate that we are allowed to set-up a booth at the North Olmsted Boom for the fireworks display on Sunday, […]
Published July 15, 2019 Mandatory Parent/Student Meeting Regarding the 2020 Orlando Trip Thursday, August 8th, 2019 in PAC
Published January 6, 2015 Candy Fundraiser FYI — Parents, there is a band/orchestra candy fundraiser going on this week and next. Any money students earn will go into […]
Published March 2, 2017 OMEA High School Band District Contest Wind Ensemble & Symphonic Band OMEA Contest Saturday 3/11 @ Westlake HS. 4 chaperones needed. Can you help?