
432 posts

Uniform Fitting Time!

It’s that time again — time to get all the Marching Band members fit with uniforms. Also to hem and mend the pants and jackets. If you can help us out in any way, please sign up below for a time slot or two (or more!) It takes a great […]

Community Picnic Volunteers Needed

The North Olmsted Kiwanis and Community Council are sponsoring a community picnic on Sunday, July 26th from 1:00-4:00 p.m. NOBOB will be selling pop at this event and we could use a few people to help. Please click on the Sign-up Genius link below and sign up if you are […]

St. John’s Festival of the Arts

Hi All, First off, I want to thank everyone for their great participation in the Bicentennial Fireworks event. All of our shifts are currently filled. We have SEVERAL open slots for the next event which is Parking Attendants at the St. John Westshore Arts Festival. We collect the money that […]

Summer Fundraisers — Reminder

Re-posting Teri’s message from 6/18.  There are still slots left to fill!   Hi all, Happy Summer! NOBOB has a few events happening in July, and we are asking that every student participate in at least ONE of these events. First we are selling beverages and glow sticks at the […]

Summer NOBOB Events

Hi all, Happy Summer! NOBOB has a few events happening in July, and we are asking that every student participate in at least ONE of these events. First we are selling beverages and glow sticks at the North Olmsted Bicentennial Fireworks on July 5. Secondly, we are staffing the parking […]

Spring Recognition Event

Hi All, Our spring recognition event for all the instrumental music groups will occur at 6:30 pm on May 13, 2015 in the high school cafeteria. For this event, we serve appetizers and desserts prior to the awards. To ensure that there is plenty of food for all we ask […]