Building a tradition of musical excellence

Marching Band Uniform Pledge – Update

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for the many generous gifts NOBOB has received towards the marching band uniform pledge. As of 12/19, gifts received towards the matching pledge are over $1,100.00. We’re making good progress, but have not yet reached the $2,500.00 pledge goal.

To make a tax deductible contribution before year-end, please complete the pledge form and mail it to NOHS.  The form is available at this link or on the NOBOB form page.  Or, you may make an on-line gift via credit card (fees apply) in the NOBOB store.

If you mailed in a pledge contribution within the last few days or plan to do so over the holiday break, please notify me at [email protected]. Doing so will assist me in keeping accurate track of the pledge total between now and when school resumes in January.

Thank you for your generous support of NOBOB.

Happy Holidays!

Gerald P. Kasarcik, CPA
NOBOB Treasurer 2017/2018