Building a tradition of musical excellence

Did You Make Your Banquet Dinner Reservations?

Band Banquet Dinner tickets are available, and the dinner reservation period will close on Monday, October 28, 2019. If you haven’t already made your reservation, don’t delay.

You do NOT need to make a reservation to attend the Band Recognition Ceremony. That event is free and open to everyone—no ticket required.

You only need to purchase a ticket if you wish to attend the OPTIONAL catered dinner, which will be held prior to the Recognition Ceremony.  Dinner tickets are $15 each.

Your student should have brought home a reservation form, or you can obtain one on our website. As a convenience, we also offer electronic reservations on the website in the NOBOB store. Note there is a small convenience fee for online orders.


Contact Leslie Lang.  (Be sure to select Leslie from the dropdown list.)