Building a tradition of musical excellence

Wings & Things Fundraiser

Congratulations to the Barth family for being the top seller with 25 tickets! Sean will have $ 25 deposited into his student account.

Congratulations to the Scott family for winning the drawing for a $ 25 Chipotle gift card for returning their money/unsold tickets on time!

We could still used a few volunteers to help sell raffle tickets and/or side board tickets next Sunday. Please consider helping out for about an hour. Please see the sign up genius for open spots.

Lastly, we have several families who have not yet returned their unsold tickets. These tickets will not be honored at check in at Two Bucks next week, and all at-the-door sales will be $ 25 a ticket. Please contact Karen Truax at 440-227-8291 or at [email protected] if you were intending to use your tickets and want to make arrangements to get payment to Karen prior to Sunday.